Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Illuminate Your House with Amazing Skylights and Solatube

Tubular Skylights or Solatube Daylighting Systems are the best way to illuminate your rooms that do not have windows. Natural daylight makes your home look brighter and appear larger. Using electricity as the source of energy will increase your energy consumption bills but solar tube and solar light installations cost you only at the initial installation stage and not require any major upkeep or use of energy. Solar energy is the renewable source of energy hence you contribute to the eco-friendly too. These Tubular Daylight Devices (TDD) cause no pollution, and just redirect the natural light passing through the acrylic dome and down the highly-reflective tubes to the interiors of your house. These are installed on the roof and withstand the storm, rain and hailstone too.

Tubular Skylights or Solar Tubes are made up of strong and durable material that last long. These come in various shapes and sizes so that it can be easily installed according to your preferences and needs. You can install them yourselves too. Solar tubes are made up of reflective material to redirect light to the house. Tubes are capped with an acrylic dome that is waterproof. 

Brighten up your rooms now by making a choice for these environmentally friendly products. A TDD can bring daylight into any room in a home that has a loft or an attic space, or sometimes even in a ground floor room of a multi-story home. Light can be brought in virtually anywhere, without significant loss off light. In fact, Solatube Daylghting Systems deliver light without any shift in color as well.  =.

Where to get the best day lighting and ventilation solutions?

Solatube Global Marketing provides the world's best solutions for bringing daylight into your everyday living, and we inspire sustainable architecture and design. Just dial +1.7605971111 to know more about our sophisticated and effective lighting solution or just visit our website at SolaGlobal.

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